Can Carpet Cleaning Cause Allergies?

For many people with allergies and asthma, carpets are like public enemy number one. They harbor dust, pollen, pet dander and other sneeze-inducing allergens that make living with respiratory issues a real struggle.

While regular carpet cleaning is important to remove these allergens, a common concern is that the cleaning process itself may stir up allergens and trigger reactions. As someone who suffers from nasal congestion and coughing during my seasonal allergies, I was always hesitant about getting my carpets deep cleaned. But out of desperation to rid my home of accumulated allergens, I decided to give it a try.

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What Are Common Allergens Found in Carpets?

Carpets can harbor a lot of allergens that could potentially trigger allergic reactions. Some of the most common ones are:

Dust mites: These tiny critters love to live in carpets and feed on dead skin cells we shed. They poop and that poop contains proteins that are allergenic.

Pet dander: If you have furry pets like dogs or cats at home, their shed skin and fur gets deposited in carpets over time. This pet dander is a major cause of pet allergies.

Mold and mildew: Damp areas in carpets are breeding grounds for mold and mildew. The spores released by them can cause allergic reactions.

Pollen: Pollen from plants and trees makes its way indoors through open windows and doors and gets trapped in carpets.

All these allergens accumulate in carpets over months and years of not being properly cleaned. So it’s important to get carpets carpet cleaned regularly to remove built-up allergens.

How Does Carpet Cleaning Remove Allergens?

During carpet cleaning, a carpet cleaning machine is used to deep clean the carpet fibers and remove embedded dirt and allergens. There are different types of carpet cleaning machines like truck mount, portable, and hard floor cleaners.

No matter what type of machine is used, the basic principle is the same – a cleaning solution is sprayed onto the carpet to break up and dissolve dirt, dust, and allergens. Then a vacuum attachment on the machine sucks up the soiled cleaning solution along with loosened allergens from the carpet.

This thorough vacuuming action helps remove a significant amount of allergens from carpets. Some machines also use hot water extraction to further rinse carpets and remove more embedded allergens.

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Can Carpet Cleaning Stir Up Allergens And Cause Reactions?

While carpet cleaning does a great job of removing built-up allergens, the process itself can also stir up some allergens present in carpets. Here are a few reasons why:

The strong suction from the carpet cleaning machine can dislodge some allergens like dust and pollen deeper in the carpet that may not be fully extracted.

Spraying of the cleaning solution and agitation from machine brushes causes remaining allergens to become airborne.

Not all allergens can be fully removed, even after multiple extractions. Some residue may remain in carpet fibers.

So in the immediate hours or days after carpet cleaning, there is a possibility of higher levels of allergens suspended in indoor air. This temporary increase in airborne allergens can potentially cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

My Experience With Carpet Cleaning And Allergies

As someone with moderate dust mite allergy and asthma, I was always wary of carpet cleaning causing me problems. But over time, as carpets in my home got increasingly dirty, I decided to give it a try by taking all recommended precautions.

I hired a professional carpet cleaning service that uses only hypoallergenic and eco-friendly products. They also brought their heavy duty truck-mounted carpet cleaning machine to ensure a deeper clean.

After they left, I used my HEPA vacuum extensively. I also kept fans running and windows open for a few hours. To my relief, I didn’t experience any allergic reactions!

In the following weeks, I noticed a significant decrease in my allergy symptoms especially during spring and fall seasons. I realized that regular carpet cleaning is worth it for people like me to manage allergies long term.

Now I get my carpets deep cleaned once every 6-8 months. And I always see my allergist for advice on any additional measures during and after carpet cleaning. It has really helped keep my allergies under control.

Final Thought

While carpet cleaning can potentially stir up some allergens, modern cleaning methods and machines, along with some simple precautions, help minimize the risks involved. Regular carpet cleaning is essential to remove accumulated allergens that cause reactions over time. With care and proper techniques, you too can reap the long term benefits of cleaner carpets and fewer allergy symptoms.