Why is My Vax Carpet Cleaner Not Spraying Water?

Have you been trying to use your Vax carpet cleaner but noticed it’s not spraying any water? Don’t panic, there are a few common reasons why your carpet cleaning machine may be experiencing this issue.

Checking the Water Tank

One of the simplest things to check is whether the water tank on your Vax carpet cleaner is full. These machines need water to function, so an empty tank is a straightforward reason why it wouldn’t be spraying.

To check the water tank, first unplug the machine and locate where the tank attaches on the back or side. It may have a carrying handle for easy removal. Simply lift the tank up and have a look inside. If it’s empty or low on water, just fill it up with clean, cool tap water and reattach. Then you’ll be good to go!

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Cleaning the Filter

Over time, small debris can accumulate in the filter of a carpet cleaning machine and clog it up. A blocked filter means water can’t flow through the system properly to spray out of the hand tool.

Most Vax carpet cleaners have a washable foam filter inside the water tank that needs periodic cleaning. To access it, remove the tank and locate the filter—it may be a round or rectangular piece of foam. Rinse it thoroughly under running water until the water runs clear. Gently squeeze out excess water and allow it to air dry fully before reinserting into the tank.

Checking for Kinks in the Hose

As you move a Vax carpet cleaner around during use, it’s easy for the hose to get twisted up or kinked. Kinks restrict water flow just like a clogged filter.

Inspect the full length of the hose from the machine to the hand tool attachment. Gently run your hands along it to feel for any tight bends or loops. Use both hands to carefully straighten out any kinks you find. The hose should lay flat without sharp turns.

Examining the Trigger Mechanism

The trigger on the hand tool is what activates the spray nozzle. Over time, debris can build up here as well.

If your Vax carpet cleaner isn’t spraying when you squeeze the trigger, first give the nozzle a gentle rinse under warm water. Look inside the trigger mechanism too—there may be gunk stuck that needs cleaning out. Test it after to see if the trigger is operating smoothly again.

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Checking for Damage to Hoses or Connections

It’s possible over time that the internal hoses or connections within a carpet cleaning machine could develop leaks or tears which disrupt the water flow.

Inspect the full length of hoses for any cracks, splits or punctures. Gently squeeze them while running water through to check for leaks. Examine where hoses connect to the machine and hand tool—push firmly to ensure a tight seal. Replace any damaged components for proper water circulation.

Dealing with Mineral Deposits

If hard water is used to fill a Vax carpet cleaner, mineral deposits can accumulate in internal valves and components over many uses. This buildup can eventually restrict water flow.

To remove mineral deposits, add a cup of white vinegar to the water tank. Run the cleaning cycle with just vinegar and water—no cleaning solution. The acid in the vinegar will help dissolve mineral deposits so they can be flushed out. You may need to repeat this process a few times for full cleaning effect.

Contacting Vax Customer Support

If none of the above solutions have helped get your carpet cleaning machine spraying water again, the issue may be more serious. Don’t get discouraged—just reach out to the friendly Vax customer support team.

They’re available via phone, email or live chat to troubleshoot further. The pros can help determine if it’s a simple fix or if parts may need replacing. As the manufacturer, Vax wants to ensure your appliance lasts for years of carpet cleaning enjoyment.

Final Thought

With some basic checks and maintenance, you can keep your Vax carpet cleaner in great working condition. Don’t forget to also regularly clean out the solution and recovery tanks too. By following these tips, you’ll be back to deep cleaning your carpets in no time!